Ben Rivers


Ben Rivers is a renowned artist and experimental filmmaker based in London, England. His work encompasses a wide range of themes, from exploring unknown wilderness territories to creating candid and intimate observational portraits of real-life subjects.

Deepa Dhanraj


Deepa Dhanraj is one of the most renowned and highly regarded Indian documentary filmmakers, who has been directing and producing films since the eighties. Her legendary works include “Something Like a War,” “We Haven’t Come Here to Die,” “The Legacy of Malthus,”“Sudesha,” “Nari Adalat,” and “What Has Happened 

Rajula Shah


Rajula is a Poet who draws,  photographs, collage-s, tells stories, directs films, and coaches young filmmakers. She is a painting drop out of the Fine Arts Faculty Baroda. After that, she studied Sanskrit Language, English Literature, and History for her Bachelors, took a Masters in English Literature, and studied cinema at FTII, Pune,

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